10 Worst Things Batman Did To Villains

9. Taunting Bane - Batman #13

Batman Joe Chill 1
DC Comics

Though obviously completely far worse than Bruce, there are times when one can see at least why villains are so cruel in their treatment of the Bat.

This is one such instance, as in the recent I Am Suicide story arc, Batman illegally invades Bane's prison kingdom of Santa Prisca, masterfully deceives the villain, has Catwoman break his back, and then steals the Psycho Pirate - another villain who had been using his emotion-manipulating abilities to help Bane overcome his dependency on venom.

All of that is pretty tame in comparison to what Bane has previously done to Bruce though, it's what Batman does before leaving that makes it cruel: he taunts him. With but a few words Batman humiliates a man that has just had his back broken, and forces said man back to drug addiction.

And here I was thinking superheroes were supposed to be anti-recreational drug use.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!