10 Worst Things Batman Did To Villains

7. Turning Ra's Al Ghul To Ash - Batman Annual #8

Batman Joe Chill 1
DC Comics

As permanent injuries go, being turned to ash is probably one of the worst. And, in spite of Batman's arrogant denial of blatant facts, is definitely also murder.

This is the fate that Ra's al Ghul suffers at the hands of Batman though, the caped crusader heroically using the villain's technology (originally intended to purge the Earth) to disintegrate the head of the demon. To ensure Ghul's total annihilation, Batman then ejects his ashes into space.

Batman does all this in front of Talia al Ghul, Ra's' daughter - just for added cruel points.

This causes Talia to leave Bruce, but Batman doesn't really seem to care - he justs swings off into the sunset, completely content with his efforts.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!