10 Worst Things Batman Did To Villains

6. Hanging One - Batman #1

Batman Joe Chill 1
DC Comics

If it was debatable whether or not disintegrating Ra's al Ghul was murder because he has the Lazarus Pit, then Batman hanging a mental patient (who most certainly does not have access to similar technology) is definitely murder.

Early Batman has a heck of a lot of blood on his hands, due to how the character's no-killing rule didn't exist at that point, so seeing this iteration of the caped crusader kill isn't really too out of the ordinary - it's just that this particular murder is extremely brutal.

I mean, Batman not only hangs the poor guy but parades him about by dangling him from the batplane, and even remarks that "he's probably better off this way". D'you know what, Bruce? I'm not quite sure he is.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!