10 Worst Things Batman Has Ever Done

4. Flat Out Killed People

Batman Middle FInger
DC Comics

Even before the KGBeast incident, there was a time when Batman was more than happy to kill criminals.

Batman's no killing rule only really came into effect in 1940 with the introduction of Robin. In his earlier issues, Batman was inspired by pulp heroes like the Shadow and so would frequently snap villain's necks or push them out of windows without any remorse. He even carried a gun in his first few appearances.

The most infamous case happened in Batman #1. The story featured Dr. Hugo Strange injecting escaped mental patients with a special drug that turned them into nearly invincible giants. Now maybe this would be a challenge for the newer incarnations of Batman, but for the original Dark Knight it was a opportunity for some creative murder.

He started with an old favourite, pushing Strange out a window. Then he got in the Batplane and mowed down a truck full of the giants with machine guns. Not quite finished, he swung back around with a noose and hanged the surviving monster. The issue ended with Batman flying off into the night, corpse in tow, thinking "he's probably better off this way".

It was most likely the only Batman comic Zack Snyder ever read.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.