10 Worst Things Batman Has Ever Done

3. Gave Someone A Fate Worse Than Death

Batman Middle FInger
DC Comics

Batman may have broken his no-killing rule a few times, but the whole thing becomes pretty moot when he's up against someone who can't die.

Writer Grant Morrison is well known for bringing back obscure ideas and characters that were thought to have been forgotten years ago. To kick off his series Batman Incorporated, he resurrected Death Man, a villain who appeared in a single story in the 60's.

In that story, Batman had to contend with a villain who could seemingly come back from the dead. Death Man was defeated though, when Batman discovered that he was using yoga techniques to fake his own death (it's the one they teach after Downward-Facing Dog). When he returned, the villain changed his name to Lord Death Man and revealed that he was actually immortal.

Lord Death Man moved to Japan and started killing that country's heroes. Batman stopped him, but in doing so he realised that Death Man's powers meant he would never die and could easily escape custody. Instead of arresting him, Batman gave Lord Death Man "a fate worse than death" and launched him into space.

He basically condemned Lord Death Man to suffer the same fate as KGBeast, only spread out over eternity.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.