10 Worst Things Captain Marvel Has Ever Done

7. Getting War Machine Killed - Civil War II #1

Captain Marvel Iron Man
Marvel Comics

Civil War II is pretty much infamous for having Captain Marvel become essentially a villain the entire way through. After meeting Ulysses Cain and discovering that he thinks he can see the future, Carol immediately begins to all sorts of awful things based on Cain’s visions, despite warnings that this is categorically a terrible idea.

Beginning the long, long train of terrible things that Captain Marvel is responsible for in Civil War II comes within its first issue, wherein a secret mission the hero organises results in the death of War Machine, also known as James Rhodes.

While Rodey did volunteer to go, it is worth remembering that, at this point, pretty much nothing was known about Cain's powers, meaning that the whole operation was a huge risk. As such, you'd expect that someone would think to maybe only take the most powerful among them - yet Danvers, who led the charge, doesn't consider this whatsoever, showing a resounding lack of foresight or care for her teammates.

Worse yet, nobody thinks to mention the whole thing to Tony Stark before they go, meaning that the one person who could have upgraded Rhodey's suit appropriately for fighting one of the universe's most powerful entities only gets to find out after he's been needlessly murdered.


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