10 Worst Things Carnage Has Ever Done

9. Making The Red Goblin - The Amazing Spider-Man #795

Carnage Cletus Kasady
Marvel Comics

It'd be a bold-faced lie to try and say that the Green Goblin was ever all that stable to begin with, but this doesn't excuse Carnage's decision to make the villain even worse.

When Norman Osborn bonds to the Carnage symbiote, he is made infinitely more brutal than he already was, with him threatening to brutally murder Spider-Man's family, friends and loved ones should the hero continue to work as a superhero.

As if this wasn't bad enough, the Red Goblin then also goes on to murder their own family, with them only narrowly being saved by the Fantastic Four and Agent Anti-Venom, the latter of which he kills anyways. The whole thing leads to a chain of pretty much endless madness and villainy, which is only stopped by Peter appealing to Osborn's arrogance to convince him to remove the symbiote from himself.

Without this move, there's a pretty good chance that the Red Goblin's reign of evil would have run indefinitely - with Carnage to blame for Osborn's increasingly terrible antics.


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