10 Worst Things Carnage Has Ever Done

4. Making Benjy Parker Kid Carnage - The Amazing Spider-Girl #14

Carnage Cletus Kasady
Marvel Comics

Turning a child into a bastion of evil is pretty safely on most people's list of evil deeds. As such, Carnage's decision to turn Benjy Parker - Peter's son - into Kid Carnage is high up on their worst ever deeds, especially because it almost permanently damages the young child.

Because the only way to undo Carnage's symbiote infection is to use a sonic noise near the young boy, which is the bane of the majority of symbiotes.

Unfortunately, it's also the bane of most young children with underdeveloped eardrums, meaning that the noise deafened Benjy, in a move that would only be fixed by a seriously expensive surgery funded by the Osborns.

Managing to both create a child soldier, and then make a scenario where that child has to be maimed to not be a human time bomb is so evil that it comparatively makes things like petty theft almost look like good deeds in comparison.


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