10 Worst Things Carnage Has Ever Done

3. Being A Minion For Space Satan - Web Of Venom: Carnage Born

Carnage Cletus Kasady
Marvel Comics

With Knull being for all intents and purposes a god of evil, responsible for the corruption and destruction of whole civilisations, teaming with him manages to do what few other moments manage - making Carnage seem even more evil than usual.

Because when Kasady is yet again revived by a cult who worship Knull, he decides to share in their goal to bring the long-dormant old deity back - even though he kills the cult in order to feed upon them.

Said goal involves killing basically anyone who's ever so much as smelled a symbiote, meaning that Carnage realised this, and then decided that the endless murder of (mostly) innocent superheroes sounded right up their alley.

If planning three dozen brutal murders in order to awake an ancient evil doesn't sound like a terrible thing to do, then nothing does.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.