10 Worst Things Hulk Has Ever Done

6. Killing Tigra

Immortal Hulk
Marvel Comics

The Last Avengers Story isn't exactly a cheery comic by any stretch of the imagination - in fact, it's one of the more ruthless storylines even when compared to other dark Marvel comics.

And the Hulk is no exception to this, as his time spent trying to help Thor and Hercules in the mysterious "Great Cataclysm" appears to have irreparably damaged him.

Or at least, that's the only logical reason behind him going fully apeshit on his own former team in the middle of a battle against Ultron, taunting Wonder Man by telling him "make a wish" before snapping Tigra in half like a wishbone.

Mercifully, we don't see the Hulk again in this story after this, as it'd be pretty hard for him to top that particular spot of awfulness.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.