10 Worst Things Hulk Has Ever Done

5. Poisoned His Wife

Immortal Hulk
Marvel Comics

It's easy to forget that Bruce technically was responsible for killing his wife Betty because of her exposure to his radioactive being, because Spider-Man did the exact same but with his Spidey semen that one time, meaning anything similar pales in comparison.

Though you initially want to excuse the Hulk's accidental murder - after all, how could he have known? - it's quite hard to when you remember one crucial thing: Bruce Banner is a goddamn scientist.

He didn't mean to poison her, sure, but how on Earth did he and every other hero super-genius not consider that a man chock full of radiation might cause trouble to those he's around a lot? Why wasn't everyone in close proximity having regular checks?

Again, this one isn't intentional, and Betty did technically come back - just she'd eventually be made into a monster because of this radiation.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.