10 Worst Things Iron Fist Has Ever Done

7. Beating Up Luke Cage

Iron Fist Blood
Marvel Comics

After what can only be described as a series of Clockwork Orange-like tests, Iron Fist is turned against his teammates one by one at the hands of Green Goblin, eventually being released to wreck havoc on the team.

The most heartbreaking of these is, of course, the battle between Iron Fist and his closest friend, Luke Cage. Said battle is made significantly worse by some of the stuff Fist says to Luke, which involves insulting his morals, his motives, and perhaps most importantly filling the whole thing with some insults like calling him a 'pimp' and a 'dog', which likely made more than a few people uncomfortable for a series of reasons.

While this would almost be forgivable, it isn't for two reasons. Firstly, because it isn't the only time Iron Fists turns on his best friend, and secondly because he never apologises for any of the times he turns on him.

On both superhero and best friend levels, this makes Fist a pretty cold individual.


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