10 Worst Things Lobo Has Ever Done

6. Killing All His Kids

Lobo New 52
DC Comics

Having kids is difficult - as making sure they grow up as smart, healthy, and kind as possible is sure to take it out of even the best parent. In order to skip this process entirely, Lobo decides to kill every single one of his many, many children, after discovering he had been a deadbeat dad to an entire army's worth of children for most of his adult life.

And murder he does, graphically and gruesomely dismembering each of his offspring with an unmatched level of malice. It's as though Lobo personally blames each of his children for existing, and decides to punish them for this awful crime by ripping them limb from limb as painfully as he can.

After a dramatic and gross fight with his eldest child, Lobo finally gives one of his kids some credit, admitting that he was pleased she took after him in stubbornness and fighting abilities. By this point, however, he had killed her, which does take most of the warmth out of any kind words said.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.