10 Worst Things Lobo Has Ever Done

4. Killing The Rest Of His Species

Lobo New 52
DC Comics

Given Lobo is supposed to have his vaguely heroic moments, it seems super weird that his backstory literally involves him wiping out the entire rest of his race - the Czarnians - literally just so he can have the bragging rights of being the last of his kind.

Interestingly, this plot involves the easy-to-hate anti-hero creating a specific type of murderous wasps that are genetically coded to kill every Czarnian but him, meaning the Lobo may actually be much smarter than we give him credit for. That said, it's only natural that Lobo is smart in one specific area - the area that involves being able to kill as many people as is physically possible.

Systematic homicide is pretty safely an awful thing to do, and the fact that Lobo did so while being so young really sets the tone for the characters chaotic antics to this day.

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