10 Worst Things Lobo Has Ever Done

5. Killing Santa

Lobo New 52
DC Comics

Establishing for now and forever that Lobo is here to ruin your fondest childhood memories, the Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special sees the anti-hero take on Father Christmas for minimal reason other than to spite kids all across the world.

After being paid off by the Easter Bunny to take the face of Christmas down, Lobo goes on a full guerilla mission to destroy Santa Claus, complete with a bloody knife fight that sees Lobo behead the cheery old man.

It's a mixed beast, as while it is funny to watch Lobo and Santa exchange festive punches, the whole comic does suffer from the overly edgy feeling that does put many off Lobo as a whole. That said, you also got to see a drunk Easter Bunny and a cigar-smoking Father Christmas, so it's also not all bad.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.