10 Worst Things Namor Has Ever Done

7. He Threatened To Destroy A City Unless Sue Kissed Him - Ultimate Fantastic Four #26 (2006)

Namor Killing
Marvel Comics

Ultimate Fantastic Four was a re-imagined series published in 2004, which was tailored for a modern audience. All the characters in this series had been tweaked or re-altered, and Namor was no different.

When the FF located the Submariner in the ruins of Atlantis, they also discovered an ancient tablet, reading "King", implying Namor was a monarch. Shortly after the quartet released him, they realised the tablet that they found had been mistranslated. Namor wasn't a king - he was a criminal who was imprisoned by the Atlanteans.

Recognising their folly, Reed and the others tried to subdue Namor, but their efforts proved fruitless. After he grew bored of the battle, Namor prepared to bury New York in a colossal tsunami. Namor then told the Fantastic Four that he would spare the city if he could make out with Sue. Knowing that millions of lives hung in the balance, Sue reluctantly agreed.

After that, Namor returned the sea to normal and told Reed that Sue "meant it" before flying away. Even though Namor has always been a jackass, this incarnation makes the original version look like a saint by comparison.

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