10 Worst Things Namor Has Ever Done

1. Annihilating A Planet

Ultimate Namor
Marvel Comics

When the Illuminati realised they needed to destroy Earth-4290001 to save their own, they couldn’t bring themselves to do it. Having grown tired of ‘waiting for the inevitable’, Namor detonated an anti-matter device that blew up the planet.

Namor’s actions spared two universes from destruction, but it came at a heavy cost. After the bomb went off, the Illuminati turned against Namor and Black Panther tried to kill him (again). The Atlantean king broke off all ties with the group until he needed their help to stop Thanos and the Cabal.

The Avenging Son had become disillusioned with the wholesale slaughter of planets. He and the Illuminati came up with a plan to trap the Cabal on the next world they destroyed. But instead of getting everything he wanted, Namor was betrayed by Black Panther and Black Bolt and left to die with Thanos.

What goes around comes around.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.