10 Worst Things Namor Has Ever Done

7. Joining Norman Osborn’s Cabal

Ultimate Namor
Marvel Comics

A defining trait of Namor’s personality is his pragmatism. The king of Atlantis is willing to work with anyone else in a position of power, regardless of their alignment. Such was the case when he became a part of Norman Osborn’s Cabal.

Following the Skrull Invasion, Osborn was placed in charge of national security and he formed a group of powerful rulers who worked behind the scenes to manipulate the course of the future.

Namor found himself in the company of Emma Frost, The Hood, Loki, Osborn and Doctor Doom. Ever the opportunist, the Sub-Mariner negotiated a side deal with Doom. They formed a mutual alliance that allowed them to combine the forces of Latveria and Atlantis together. He and Doom planned to betray Osborn, so the Doctor could take control over the land, while Namor ruled the sea undisturbed.

At the same time, Namor also brokered a deal with Emma Frost to gain additional support for Atlantis in exchange for protecting mutants.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.