10 Worst Things Namor Has Ever Done

6. Feeding Stingray To Sharks

Ultimate Namor
Marvel Comics

Recently, Namor returned to his mission of fighting against the surface world. His change of heart came about through seeing Atlanteans poisoned by the Roxxon Cooperation.

Declaring war on all land dwellers, Namor began to marshal his forces. He formed The Defenders Of The Deep, alongside Orka, Andromeda, Echidna, Bloodtide, Manowar and King Crab.

Soon, Namor crashed a confrontation between Tiger Shark and Stingray, demanding their loyalty. A long-time friend of the king, Stingray tried to reason with him.

Namor responded by beating him to within an inch of his life. The beating was so brutal that even Tiger Shark shrunk away at the sight of it. After punishing his former friend, Namor ordered his war sharks to devour Stingray.

Although Stingray survived the assault, it was suggested by Captain America that he would never be the same after the attack. The Avenging Son’s ruthlessness was a symbolic representation of him turning his back on the surface once and for all.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.