10 Worst Things Namor Has Ever Done

4. Forcibly Changing Humans Into Atlanteans

Ultimate Namor
Marvel Comics

During Namor’s latest attack on America, the king launched chemical weapons on a small town. The Avengers had been trying to stop him, but were unable to reach the bombs in time. When the weapons hit, they released a substance that turned the townsfolk into Atlanteans.

Then, Namor unleashed a giant wave to cover the town, giving the new Atlanteans the water they needed to survive. The humans who weren’t affected by the gas drowned instantly.

The Sub-Mariner’s motivations stemmed from wanting to create a better world at the expense of people who he deemed too weak to fit into his version of it.

What’s interesting about the scenario is that Captain America aids Namor in protecting the new Atlanteans, even ordering Captain Marvel to stop Iron Man from attacking the king.

It demonstrates the complex relationship that the two Invaders share with each other. As soon as the Atlanteans have the water they need, Cap sets off to try and rescue the humans who are in danger.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.