10 Worst Things Namor Has Ever Done

3. Destroying Wakanda

Ultimate Namor
Marvel Comics

During the events of Avengers Vs X-Men, the Sub-Mariner sided with the mutants in their decision to contain the oncoming Phoenix Force. When the Phoenix arrived on Earth, it split apart, turning Namor into one of the ‘Phoenix Five’ alongside Cyclops, Magik, Emma Frost and Colossus.

The Phoenix fueled the sea king’s rage, making him more aggressive than usual. When he found out the Avengers were hiding in Wakanda, Namor attacked without mercy. He flooded the country, killing thousands of people.

With this incident, Namor continued his habit of burning down friendships. Before the event, he and Black Panther had shared a strong bond. Both characters were devoted to their people and they understood the burden of being king. After seeing his home destroyed, Black Panther vowed to kill him.

Although Namor was under the influence of the Phoenix when he attacked Wakanda, he showed little regret for his actions even after coming to his senses.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.