10 Worst Things Reed Richards Has Ever Done

8. Forming The Council Of Reeds

Reed Richards The Maker
Marvel Comics

Ever wonder where Rick And Morty got the idea for the Council of Ricks? Well, naturally, they got it from one of the biggest satirical inspirations for Rick Sanchez: Reed Richards.

While technically not the action of OUR Reed, enough versions of him make this decision that it definitely counts here. Jonathan Hickman opened his legendary run on Fantastic Four with Reed being approached by three different versions of himself, who take him to see the Council of Reeds. A meeting of the same mind throughout the multiverse, who all gather to swap notes and workshop ideas on how to solve EVERYTHING.

Sounds harmless enough, right? Yeah, no - no it isn't.

See, as we'll learn later in this list, Reed as a character is very VERY close, pretty much all the time, to crossing the line into megalomaniacal evil if he doesn't have his family to yank back on his choke chain. And while the intentions of the Council members are genuine and good, they go about it in a cold, surgical way that our Reed just can't abide by for long.

They openly admit that while giving up their families isn't a requirement for being on the council, it's something that WILL happen. Sue will stop understanding, Ben and Johnny will stop vouching, and Franklin and Valeria flat out deserve better.

While Reed does turn his back on the Council upon learning this - on top of things like learning that every member of the council has either killed or lobotomized and enslaved Victor Von Doom - the fact that this makes our Reed an exception to a disturbing rule says a lot.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?