10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Scarlet Witch

1. She Was Shot And Killed To End A Relationship

Scarlet Witch House Of M
Marvel Comics

By this point, we're all horribly aware of the twincest that went on in the ill-fated Marvel Ultimates series. So, let's skip the gross part and jump to how it all ends.

By the time we reach Ultimates 3 #1, everyone with a brain has gotten fed up of the twins and their creepy little relationship. Captain America suggests Wanda wear something a little less revealing and is scolded by Pietro who gets crazy and overprotective, literally threatening to kill Cap if he oversteps again.

Wasp tries to reason with Cap and suggests even though they are brother and sister, they are very much in love and they should be left alone. Obviously, Cap disagrees because ew gross, and Hawkeye chimes in to remind everyone of the fallout from the Tony Stark sex tape, warning them of what will happen if the media find out. Hawkeye believes it's only a matter of time, unless they do something about it.

Later that evening, shots are fired at Wanda and despite his efforts, Quicksilver was unable to catch all the bullets as one goes straight through his hand, and Wanda dies in his arms.

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Scarlet Witch MCU
Marvel Studios

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