10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Scarlet Witch

2. She Found Out Her Children Weren’t Real

Scarlet Witch House Of M
Marvel Comics

Wanda has wanted one thing more than anything else throughout the years, children. Unfortunately, she has never been able to have children, which wasn't helped by choosing a synthetic life form as her husband.

Wanda and Vision retired to a suburban life, away from the Avengers and the madness they had known previously. Somehow, Wanda became pregnant with twins. After their birth, it was assumed Wanda had used her powers to trigger the pregnancy, which made sense as Vision couldn't father the twins by natural means.

The Vision household led a normal, happy life for a while until they re-joined the Avengers. Of course, they couldn't leave the kids home alone while they were off saving the world, so they hired a nanny who noticed something strange about the children. Whenever Wanda was away from the children, the children would simply disappear.

It turns out that the twins were simply a construct, believed to be created by the Witch's powers, though their creation was actually by the hands of Mephisto using fragments of his henchman, Master Pandemonium. Unfortunately for Wanda, the henchman decides he wants those parts of him back and absorbs the children with Wanda helplessly watching the horror unfold before her.


I'm just happy to be here