10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Spider-Man

8. Not Knowing If He Was A Clone - Clone Saga

Spider-Man Abrams
Marvel Comics

An ever-despised storyline for many Spider-Man fans, Clone Saga managed to be both a pretty ill-conceived storyline, and one that presented a uniquely awful scenario for Peter Parker.

As the plot repeatedly has Peter unsure if he is a clone or not, making him question both whether any of his memories are real, but also if he himself is. While it's not as visceral as getting his eye torn out or being turned into a spider monster, there's a very real kind of horror that comes from not knowing if you are who you think you are, and wondering if any of your joys and triumphs are even yours in the first place.

Ironically, were Clone Saga to have been mostly about Peter having an existential breakdown, it likely would be much more loved than it is - but this is largely thrown to one side so that more weird Spider-folk can rock up and extend the potential roster of Spider-Man merchandise.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.