10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To The Thing

5. He Was Framed For Murder - Fantastic Four #7-8 (2014)

The Thing Mutation
Marvel Comics

After the Fantastic Four failed to stop an alien invasion, Marvel's First Family were brought to court for gross incompetence. As the prosecutor pointed out all of the FF's failings over the years, the public quickly turned against the once beloved superteam.

Just when the Fantastic Four thought things couldn't get any worse, Thing was discovered beside the corpse of one of their most recurring foes, The Puppet Master. Because the deranged puppeteer constantly tormented his daughter, Alicia, who happened to be Thing's lover, it wasn't too hard to convince a jury that Ben killed him in cold-blood.

After being found guilty, Ben was incarcerated in a power-dampening section of The Raft, where he was beaten by all the inmates he put away over the years. When he learned his former girlfriend, Sharon 'She-Thing' Ventura was in the prison, he hoped she would make his incarceration more tolerable. Upon seeing Sharon, his former flame declared she was running the prison and pulled Ben's shoulder out of its socket to humiliate him in front of everyone.

Even though Thing's disfigurement usually makes him feel lonely, he rarely felt this level of abandonment in his entire life.


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