10 Worst Things That Have Happened To The Joker

1. Having His Smile Ruined - Birds Of Prey #124

Joker Brain Hell Arisen
DC Comics

When you think of the Joker, you naturally think of his pale face, green hair, and his permanent manic grin. This third feature sees itself well and truly messed up in issue 124 of Birds of Prey, when Barbara Gordon finds herself face to face with the man who paralysed her once more.

Wanting vengeance, Oracle swings a nightclub full-force into the jester's teeth, ruining the Clown Prince of Crime's iconic smile. The Joker reacts with uncharacteristic horror at this, wailing and moaning at his own reflection, before turning on the former Batgirl once more. Although the alabaster entertainer manages to knock Barb unconscious, he is scared off by the rest of the team returning, skulking off to go and get his teeth fixed.

Except, as Oracle says, they'll never be truly his teeth again, and it's likely that this will on some level bother the clown. As such, it's probably one of the biggest wounds to both him physically, and his ego - or at least the one that appears to bother him the most.

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