10 Worst Things That Have Happened To The Joker

3. Being Created - Various

Joker Brain Hell Arisen
DC Comics

Although everyone loves to hate the nightmare-providing alabaster jester, one crucial detail is often forgotten; he was, once, just a regular guy.

While this is focused upon is his various origin stories, these tend to be more setting up for the ultimate punchline of a regular Joe becoming the world's largest purchaser of whoopie cushions.

Which is a shame, because it skirts around the most frightening thing about the Joker, and that is that he was an ordinary man, who will never get to be an ordinary man again. Whatever made him into the Clown Prince of Crime cannot be undone, and although the villain takes relish in how he is now, it's safe to say that the person he was once likely would not.

The more you think about it, the more unnerving the whole situation becomes, and the more clear it is that one of the worst things to happen to the person known as the Joker is his very creation.

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