10 Worst Things The Avengers Ever Did

1. Blowing Up Entire Universes

Captain America Hawkeye Black Widow
Marvel Comics

Although there are no concrete rules of heroism, destroying entire universes for personal profit goes against any and all ideas of what a team of superheroes should be doing. And yet - in the very same comic where the team's secret boy's club is created - they decide that the destruction of countless other lives is worth their own.

While the incident is played realistically, with all the team being clearly affected by the choice they made, it still stands that each member gave the all-clear to what is - for all intents and purposes - an enormous genocide.

Admittedly, the actual decision to start the hero-based murder spree was carried out by the notably unheroic Namor, but even watching Batman murder a kitten in cold-blood would pale in comparison this.

The fact that the rest of the Avengers go to back out at the last minute does lessen how unheroic their actions are, but murdering a planet reluctantly is still murdering the population of a whole planet.

Know of any unspeakable acts committed by Earth's Mightiest Heroes? Let us know in the comments below!


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.