10 Worst Things The Avengers Ever Did

2. Allying With An Old God

Captain America Hawkeye Black Widow
Marvel Comics

Doctor Strange's decision to start a dark magic pact with an eons old evil god is admittedly one he made alone. That said, after initial concerns the rest of the Avengers seem to have minimal issues with letting Strange continue to use his creepy Cthulu powers for their own end.

Nobody even asks Strange exactly what hellspawn he's let co-pilot his brain, so the team could be allied with actual Satan for all they know.

More importantly, said demonic powers seem to sabotage the team as often as they do assist. Strange has allied to at least three old gods - at least one of which cost his soul - and yet nobody seems to bat an eyelid, let alone stage the intervention the good doctor so clearly needs.

Strange's willingness to do anything to protect the world is admirable, but the fact that it indirectly makes the Avengers tag-team with ancient evil beings sort of completely undermines it.


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