10 Worst Things The Avengers Ever Did

5. Having a Civil War

Captain America Hawkeye Black Widow
Marvel Comics/Steve McNiven

Given there are comics dedicated to showing how basic conversation could have prevented the events of Civil War, it can definitely be seen as one of the team's worst decisions- technically two, given the sequel in 2016.

Although determination is generally a heroic trait, attempting to brain ex-teammates because of their political leanings is significantly less so. Worse yet, given the disagreement is over the dangers of people with superpowers, the Avengers having huge battles only shows them as all the more dangerous, which is a terrible thing no matter what side of the conflict you fall on.

While the team does war over a just cause, the speed with which the heroes prove willing to turn on each other is perplexing. The amount of internal conflict within the Avengers shows that they are often more willing to die for each other and at each others' hands than they are to actually talk and find a peaceful conclusion.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.