10 Worst Things The Avengers Ever Did

3. Hunting Mutants to Extinction

Captain America Hawkeye Black Widow
Marvel Comics

Age of X is regarded as one of the darker timelines of Marvel comics, and the comics' version of the Avengers go a substantial way to assure that.

As a task force built almost solely out of murderous sociopaths, the Avengers' aim for the majority of the comic is to wipe out what little of mutantkind still exists, which is basically as far from their usual goals as is humanly possible.

Just in case this isn't made clear from their intro, the Avengers' time on-page involves them almost killing children, actually killing defenseless civilians, and the Hulk strapping a bomb to himself in order to wipe out the last surviving mutants.

Though this gains them endless brownie points in sheer entertainment value, it also shows us pretty solidly how far these Avengers differ from their canon counterparts, making their heel-turn all the more spectacular.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.