10 Worst Things The Spectre Has Ever Done

8. Spectre Accidentally Released Azmodus Onto The Earth

Spectre Jim Corrigan
DC Comics

To save a life, the Spectre went to Hell where he confronted the demon Shathan and inadvertently released Azmodus - the demon bound to the Wraith’s first host Caraka - and the demon Sekuba onto the Earth. Madame Xanadu attempted to take control of the Spirit of Vengeance from Jim Corrigan, but the nature of the entity was far more than Xanadu had bargained for, and she had to return control to Corrigan.

Despite the wrathful nature of the Spectre, he was becoming more humane thanks to Jim Corrigan’s feelings for Amy Beitermann. Azmodus realized that he could use these human failings to his advantage and pit Corrigan’s humanity against the ghost's mission of vengeance. The Wraith focused on pursuing the demon and Amy was murdered, and the Spirit’s rage against humanity allowed the demon to escape judgement.

After coming to terms with his grief, the Spectre confronted Azmodus a final time, but it was his mortal allies that forced his human host Caraka to face the evil that Azmodus had done. He repented his crimes which allowed the Wraith of God to separate him from the demon Sekuba and returned Caraka to the wheel of reincarnation.


John Wilson has been a comic book and pop culture fan his entire life. He has written for a number of websites on the subject over the years and is especially pleased to be at WhatCulture. John has written two comic books for Last Ember Press Studio and has recently self-published a children's book called "Blue." When not spending far too much time on the internet, John spends time with his lovely wife, Kim, their goofy dog, Tesla, and two very spoiled cats.