10 Worst Things The Suicide Squad Has Ever Done
7. Weasel And Thinker Kill One Another
It is essential for any kind of super-team that they share a strong bond. Good teamwork is vital, for heroes and villains alike. Sadly, the Suicide Squad didn’t quite get that memo. Case in point: the Thinker and Weasel.
The primary nemesis of both these villains was Martin Stein, aka Firestorm. You would expect that having a common enemy was reason enough for them to get along or even work together. That wasn't the case though - Weasel and Thinker were always up each other’s throats.
Things finally came to a head during the Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad story arc, when Weasel used the power of his telepathic helmet to manipulate Rick Flag - the same Rick Flag who normally serves as the Suicide Squad’s field commander - into killing his rival.
Not to be outdone, Thinker uses his remaining strength to then mind control Flag into murdering Weasel.