10 Worst Things Venom Has Ever Done

7. He Killed Four People At Peter Parker's School - Marvel Knights #7-8 (2004-2005)

Venom Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows
Marvel Comics

Eddie Brock may be the most famous person to serve as Venom's host but he's not the only one. After mobster, Don Fortunato, got his hands on the symbiote, he gifted it to his wimpy son, Angelo, hoping it would toughen him up.

After bonding with Venom, Angelo absorbed its memories, instinctively learning about Spider-Man's true identity. Believing he could do his family proud by murdering the famed superhero, this incarnation of Venom broke into Peter Parker's high school reunion and slaughtered two people.

After tracking down Spidey, Angelo punched through his spine and ripping out his heart. However, Angelo realised that this "Spider-Man" was just posing as the wallcrawler so he could sell the pictures to The Daily Bugle. After watching Angelo murdering several people, the real Spidey beat him to a pulp.

Angelo got thrashed so badly, the symbiote considered him too weak to serve as his host and abandoned him. Because Angelo was in mid-air when the Klyntar left, the mobster plummeted to the ground, dying on impact. Even though Angelo was only Venom for a brief period, his time with the symbiote resulted in four deaths (one of which was his own) in a single night.

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