10 Worst Things Venom Has Ever Done

6. He Ate Spider-Man - What If? #114 (1998)

Venom Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows
Marvel Comics

The final issue of What If? Vol. 2 takes place in an alternate reality where the heroes and villains of the Secret Wars saga never escaped from Battleworld - the same planet where Spider-Man contacted the symbiote. Set 25 years in the future, another war is initiated by the children of the original participants.

While fighting against the forces of evil, Klaw is confronted by Spider-Man, who's wearing his alien suit. Sensing the wallcrawler, Klaw blasted him with a sonic wave, ripping Venom off his body.

As the symbiote peeled off, we can see that there is nothing left of Peter Parker's body, save for his skeleton. Because Peter bonded with the Klyntar almost immediately after arriving on Battleworld, the symbiote has been feeding off his body the entire time. Considering the alien must've been sapping away Peter's organs, blood, and skin for a quarter of a century, it is impossible to conceive the agony the sensational Spider-Man must have endured. After seeing what had become of the iconic webslinger, one could regard his death, not as a tragedy but a mercy kill.

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