10 X-Men Graphic Novels You Must Read Before You Die

5. Inferno

X Men Nineties
Marvel Comics

If there's one thing that Marvel like, it's a crossover event. They like it even more if the whole thing can last almost a year, so Inferno ticks all the right boxes as far as that's concerned. Throw into the mix that it is an epic story that has appearances from the Fantastic Four, Avengers, Daredevil, and Spider-Man and Inferno is a definite for all fans of the mutant kind.

When a demonic invasion plagues the planet, Earth's Mightiest Heroes must team up to send it straight back to Hell. Along the way, they battle the Hobgoblin, who is now possessed by a demon, as well as the Bogeyman, who just straight up hates mutants. But the main fight here, the true story, is that of Madelyne Pryor and Jean Grey.

When Madelyne discovers that she is, in fact, a clone of Jean Grey, made inside of Mister Sinister's laboratory, she takes it about as well as you'd expect. Losing her mind, she attacks Jean with a psychic link and, after flooding her mind with memories, wills herself to die so she can take Jeanie with her.

It's a great ending to Madelyne's character arc and proves, once and for all, that anything Phoenix Force related can only be bad for your health.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.