10 X-Men Graphic Novels You Must Read Before You Die

3. Age Of Apocalypse

X Men Nineties
Marvel Comics

A story as vast as this needed a collective of artists and writers just as large to bring it to life. And as there's not enough room to name them all, let's just say that it was the cream of the crop that rose to the top on this occasion.

When Charles Xavier's son, Legion, a whack job of immense proportions, travels back in time to kill Magneto, he gets it wrong on a grand scale and accidentally kills his father instead. This has dire consequences as, with Xavier out of the way, En Sabah Nur attacked the Earth ten years earlier than he was supposed to, which changed the timeline completely and brought about the Age of Apocalypse.

With his 'Survival of the Fittest' mantra in full effect, millions would perish, mutant and human alike, as he thinned out the herd, leaving only the strongest to live in servitude.

But all was not lost, as familiar mutants would group together to defy him. And in doing so, they would change the timeline back to the way it should've been all along.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.