100 Greatest Comic Book Villains Of All Time

64. Hugo Strange

hugo-strangeFIRST APPEARANCE: DETECTIVE COMICS #36 (1940) Hugo Strange is easily one of Batman's most compelling villains, one who has been constantly rumoured to be featuring in one of the Dark Knight's movie. Strange is a crazed psychologist and genius-level chemist, as well as one of the few people who knows Batman's identity, something he desperately wants to take for himself (as evidenced in the above picture). It's safe to say that his fascination with the superhero has given way to full-out obsession, to the point that Strange has even enacted a series of bizarre genetic experiments in an attempt to eventually "replace" Batman. If there's one major flaw to the character, it's that his intellect totally outweighs his physical prowess, and his mental state prevents him from ever truly putting that genius to good work and finishing Batman off. For instance, schizophrenia has wracked his brain to the point that his knowledge of Bruce's second life comes and goes fitfully, even if this in effect only makes him more dangerous and unpredictable.

63. Deadshot

DeadshotFIRST APPEARANCE: BATMAN #59 (1950) One of the fiercest of Batman's enemies, Deadshot is a master assassin who prides himself on the fact that he never misses, usually firing a pair of wrist-mounted guns. Much like Hugo Strange, he attempted to replace Batman, but for me one of the most interesting aspects of the character is his tragic back story; one day, a young Deadshot (named Floyd Lawton) has had enough of his abusive father, and decides to shoot him dead with his own rifle. However, Floyd misses, and instead kills his own brother, setting him on the dark path we recognise today. A consummate professional, Deadshot will take any job no matter the morality or ethics involved, and has demonstrated an inability to be shaken down or threatened, for in one instance, Batman threatened his family, but knowing, like everyone else, that Batman never kills people, Deadshot asserted that he was just bluffing (and badly). It's widely accepted that Josh Stewart's character in The Dark Knight Rises is a version of Deadshot, Bane's mercenary assistant who is a crack shot with a sniper rifle, taking out most of the SWAT team in the alley.

62. Violator

ViolatorFIRST APPEARANCE: SPAWN #2 (1992) Recognisable to many because of his appearance in 1997's Spawn movie (where he was played, with a fair degree of success, by John Leguizamo), Violator is a powerful Hell-born demon, one of the five Phlebiac Brothers, and his primary objective is to prepare evil souls on Earth to join Satan's army when the time calls for it. Though Violator has to guide Hellspawn to leading Hell's armies, he takes a dim view of humanity, and feels that this should be the job of demons instead. He most commonly assumes the role of an overweight, balding, blue clown (the form made famous in the movie), and though he makes frequent pains to prove how much better and more knowledgeable he is than his master, he is interminably tied to Satan's command, given that he relies on him to be resurrected in the event that he is killed. His own powers are many, however; Violator can shape-shift, heal himself, teleport, possess people and even breathe fire.
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