100 Greatest Comic Book Villains Of All Time

61. Azrael

AzraelFIRST APPEARANCE: BATMAN: SWORD OF AZRAEL #1 (1992) Azrael is an assassin created by a religious secret society called The Order of St. Dumas, who brainwash people with a brand of psychological conditioning referred to as The System. The character has gone through various iterations, but the characteristics are always the same; through genetic modification and an unconventional upbringing, Azrael has supreme strength and speed, and also activates a schizophrenic splinter personality whenever he puts on the Azrael suit. In order to control Azrael, The Order ensure that his abilities are initially only accessible while in the suit, though the first Azrael, Jean-Paul, did manage to access them eventually when outside the suit. In the pivotal Knightfall comic arc, Azrael actually takes over as Batman after Bane breaks Bruce's back, and though this proves effective in defeating Bane, he also deviates severely from the established code, causing Bruce to have to return and battle him for the cowl. Azrael eventually sees the error of his ways, but the schizophrenia activated by his suit makes him incredibly dangerous and difficult to trust.

60. Grigori Rasputin

Grigori RasputinFIRST APPERANCE: HELLBOY: SEED OF DESTRUCTION (1994) Grigori Rasputin is based on the very real Russian mystic, who reports suggest was infamously difficult to kill, having endured bullets, stabbings, poisonings and an attempted drowning before finally succumbing to death's grip. The comic book take, however, has Rasputin being resurrected to help the Nazis win the war, yet Rasputin, well aware that this will never happen, instead simply uses the Nazis in a pawn for another game, exploiting their resources to try and bring about an apocalypse. One of Rasputin's original goals was to get a hold of Hellboy's stone right hand to help raise Hell, but the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense stepped in to help defeat him. Since then, he has appeared largely as a ghost and lived on through the disciples he has left behind to carry out his will. His soul was eventually placed inside an acorn, of all things...

59. Mysterio

MysterioFIRST APPEARANCE: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #13 (1964) Mysterio is an alias assumed by a number of individuals throughout the Spider-Man comics, which each having a number of different personality traits and abilities. The first, Quentin Beck, has no superhuman powers and is simply a master illusionist and skilled magician. Beck is also a skilled fighter, though generally relies on his suit to help him stand toe-to-toe with Spidey, deploying gas and even projecting 3D illusions to cause mass confusion. In addition to this, Mysterio's suit can create a smokescreen to protect him from attacks, and also deploy gases that in various means incapacitate or attack Spidey (such as eroding his webbing and knocking him unconscious, causing hallucinations and even controlling his mind). The Francis Klum version, meanwhile, is a mutant who can teleport and control people's bodies, and like Klum, is able to dissolve webbing (albeit with acid instead of smoke).
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