100 Greatest Comic Book Villains Of All Time

49. Kroenen

KroenenFIRST APPEARANCE: HELLBOY (1993) Easily one of the most badass villains in the history of comic books, Kroenen (full name Karl Ruprecht Kroenen) was a regular Nazi SS scientist who became disfigured in an accident, causing him to permanently wear a gasmask and bodysuit, in addition to being equipped with a pistol and lengthy blades which extend from his jacket. Kroenen is fiercely committed to the cause of his master, Rasputin, and this is made far more clear in Guillermo del Toro's movie equivalent, which adds an entirely new backstory by way of some supplemental DVD features. Though he might not boast the iconic comic book moments of more famous villains, his creepy, individualistic look helps separate him from the pack, and even more so than Rasputin, Kroenen is an enemy to be feared by any and all foes.

48. Herr Starr

Herr StarrFIRST APPEARANCE: PREACHER #13 (1996) The Sacred Executioner, Herr Starr is one of the most feared characters throughout Preacher, an envoy of The Grail who would help spread their message of fear and subjugation, doing so with his extremely intimidating demeanour and presence, accentuated considerably by his heavily scarred face. After starting out working in the West German wehrmacht, he was eventually recruited into The Grail for his tenacity and penchant for order, to help see their vision through, of producing a Messiah just before an apocalypse ends the world. However, the longer Preacher goes on, the more we learn about his depraved nature; he slowly begins to become angrier and less together, while we learn about some of his less-savoury sexual practices. He's a great character because he's utterly ruthless, and every time we think he's about to meet a grisly end, he manages to find a way to wriggle out of it, usually brutalising a couple of people in the process.

47. Poison Ivy

Poison IvyFIRST APPEARANCE: BATMAN #181 (1966) Poison Ivy aka Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley is one of Batman's most famous enemies, a botanist who uses toxins from her plants to commit crimes, usually ones in the name of environmental conservatism. Ivy has a peculiar relationship with Batman unlike any other villain; she can utilise poison kisses to ensnare enemies (administering another kiss as an antidote should she so wish), and this has led by some uneasy sexual tension between herself and Bats before. Ivy first came about as a villain when it was thought that Catwoman was becoming too sympathetic, and so Ivy became something of a feminist icon for comic book fans. Her depiction throughout the comic world does vary, though; she is often depicted as one of Bats' more supernatural enemies, even being more plant than human, whereas in others, she is given a more scientific, straight-laced grounding. The one consistent attribute is the power of her alluring lips.
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