11 Brutal Comics Insults That Ruined Characters
9. Deadpool's Wedding Insult

While Deadpool's wedding to the demon queen Shiklah is actually surprisingly sweet, it's not without the classic Deadpool disses that make up so much of the anti-hero's dialogue.
Of these, the single most brutal is the one Deadpool makes to Spider-Man, as when his demon bridge wants to seal their wedding with the sacrifice of a virgin, the Merc with a Mouth quips "yeah, well, Spider-Man's not here".
It's completely childish, totally silly, and entirely Deadpool - and, all dignity aside, that's exactly what makes it so damn funny.
Only a quasi-zombified, semi-merciless, wisecracking assassin could get away with taking the low-hanging fruit of the comedy world, and still genuinely make you laugh having said it. Also, the completely ruthless way it essentially insults Spider-Man for being a teenager really shouldn't be funny for such a needlessly mean insult, but it still is.