11 Brutal Comics Insults That Ruined Characters

8. Alfred's Fake Meals

Batman Mad Love Puddin
DC Comics

As Batman's butler has been the esteemed king of sass pretty much since his inception into the Batman comics, the matter of deciding which of his moments of sass is the best is almost too difficult to decide.

And so, the award goes to the one repeated gag that Alfred loves to use; continually preparing 'meals' of nothing, as he's entirely aware any effort spent cooking will go entirely to waste when Batman decides to work instead of eating. It's a joke that is funny initially, and then slowly grows even funnier the more that Bruce's long suffering guardian repeatedly makes deadpan disses at the Dark Knight's seeming refusal to eat 99% of the food brought to him.

Seeing the more mundane aspects of superheroes' lives will always be humorous in that it is so jarring when compared to their life as a hero. Take the brooding, practically paranoid Batman into this equation, and add him being totally mothered by Alfred, and the whole situation is never not comedic gold.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.