11 Essential Storylines To Read If You're Just Getting Into Comics

8. Saga

Saga Comic
Image Comics

There are few creator-owned titles out there that are as influential as Brian K. Vaughn's Saga. Printed by Image, and with art provided by Fiona Staples, Saga is a sci-fi epic that combines fantasy elements with a story that's all about family. Well, that and intergalactic conflict too, but y'know.

Centred around a pair of star-crossed lovers who hail from two different worlds (both those worlds are at war with each other, by the way), the book follows Marko, Alana, and their daughter Hazel as they flee the conflict consuming their two homes. It certainly makes for an entertaining read, with Vaughn's opus being so special and all. Also, because it exists in its own continuity, it's ridiculously easy to pick up and read. What more could you want?

Staples' art is thrilling, the narrative is intense, and the book itself continues to release to critical and commercial plaudits to this day. As a series that's easy to pick up and even easier to get immersed in, it's something that no comic fan - new or otherwise - can afford to miss.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.