11 Essential Storylines To Read If You're Just Getting Into Comics

7. Hawkeye

Hawkeye Kate Bishop
Marvel Comics

While it might be hard to believe that any part of Hawkeye could be considered 'essential' in the grand litany of the Marvel Universe, Matt Fraction and David Aja's 2012 series is just that, essential. It's also pretty damn spectacular, so take that, Hawkeye haters.

Focussing on both Clint Barton and Kate Bishop as they do normal, non-Avenger-y things, the series made a name for itself by condensing one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes to their most basic elements. We get to see Clint rescue pizza-dog (his actual name, by the way), tassel with some Russian mobsters who can't quite wrap their head around his alternate identity, mend broken friendships, and team up with Kate to rescue not only his own apartment block, but his own identity too.

It's a compelling read, and one that's also ridiculously easy to pick up, with both TPB and Hardcover formats to choose from. It might not sound like a must-read on the surface, but - perhaps surprisingly - it's one of the most influential comics of recent years.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.