12 Lego Sets Every Marvel Fan Needs

9. Thanos: Ultimate Battle (76107)

As a 2018 Infinity War tie-in, what’s first noticeable is that this set doesn’t depict a specific scene. This is common in Lego MCU sets, and actually, this set is one of the less outrageous examples. All the elements included were in Infinity War, just not together.

The minifigs – Gamora, Peter Quill, and Iron Man – are respectable. The oversized (“big fig”) Thanos is a bit chunky and silly, but he can wear the included Infinity Gauntlet. It only has the Reality Stone, though, as the others were distributed throughout the other sets in the same wave.

What makes this set great is the Guardians’ ship the Benatar. The group’s previous ship, the Milano, appeared in two minifig-scale sets, also looking good, but this is the Benatar’s only appearance so far.

Though not to scale with the ship in-movie, it’s still bright and sleek and looks radiantly birdlike on display. The build, too, is worthwhile, with clever techniques and assemblies to achieve the ship’s distinct profile and features.

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Marvel Lego
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Writer, DS9 devotee, committed AFOL, and expat stranded in South Korea, lightyears from home.