12 Most Anticipated Comics Coming In 2018

4. The Terrifics

The Terrifics
DC Comics

Release Date: February 28

What do you do when the Fantastic Four have been put on an extended hiatus if you're DC? Why, you plug the gap of course.

While The Terrifics were conceived in a climate different to our current one, where Disney now have control of the Fantastic Four onscreen and Marvel are free to do as they please with the family, their appearance in 2018 is far from redundant. Written by Jeff Lemire and drawn by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, The Terrifics will follow Mr. Terrific, Metamorpho, Plastic Man and Phantom Girl as they come to terms with a life-altering accident and try to return home, with the added caveat of the wayward Tom Strong making an appearance along the line.

Lemire has had an exceptional year (come to think of it, when hasn't he?), and The Terrifics' place in DC's wider plans for Dark Matter (now the New Age of Heroes) is bound to be important. While details on that particular event are few and far between right now, it would be nice to think that we could be looking at DC's next big thing, especially if they mark their debut before the fab four return.

DC haven't had nearly enough Mr. Terrific around since the JSA closed their doors before the New 52, so to have him back in the driving seat is a welcome change of pace.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.