12 Most Anticipated Comics Coming In 2018

5. X-Men Red

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Marvel Comics

Release Date: February 7

The X-Men have always been a bit of a tough nut to crack for new comics fans. With a lore that spans decades, galaxies, and more mutants than one could possibly care to remember, it makes sense, and until someone develops some sort of absorption device that let's readers literally inhale the X-Men mythos, it'll probably remain the case for years to come.

That said, it's hard to think of an X-Men book that boasts more mainstream appeal than X-Men Red, a book written by Tom Taylor, who recently wrapped up his tenure on DC's Injustice tie-ins (which were all really stellar, by the way). Coinciding with the Return of Jean Grey, the book will see Jean lead an X-Men team of her own, with Nightcrawler, Laura Kinney and Gambit all waiting in the wings to serve as her teammates.

Taylor has done marvellous work at DC, so if Red packs even half the punch of his Injustice comic, we could be in for one of the most emotional X-Men reads yet, replete with all the melodrama, action and comedy synonymous with Marvel's most iconic super-team.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.