12 Must-Read First Issues From The New DC You Line

12. Green Lantern: Lost Army

Once upon a time, the Green Lantern franchise was one of DC€™s top sellers; with Geoff Johns and Pete Tomasi steering the lantern ship, it seemed like the franchise would only continue to grow. Then along came the Green Lantern movie, and suddenly Green Lantern readership plummeted. Fast-forward to present day: the Green Lantern universe looks completely different. Where Green Lantern remains as the flagship title fore the franchise, its companion book, Green Lantern Corps, was replaced by Green Lantern: Lost Army. Written by Cullen Bunn with Jesus Saiz and Jaci Pina on art, Green Lantern: Lost Army follows the adventures of the remaining members of the Green Lantern Corps who have been suddenly transported to an unknown place/universe where everything is trying to kill them. The first issues focuses on Jon Stewart in a leadership capacity, as he deals with being thrust into a dire situation. The issue delivers some major surprises from big players in both the Green Lantern world as well as the larger DCU. Plus the art was extremely well done. Saiz and Pina€™s work is detailed, smooth, and crisp all at the same time. Overall, this issue accomplished what every good first issue should: it makes you want to read the second one.

Since childhood, Bryant has been an avid fan of superheroes, and he has been reading comic books since 2006. His full name is "George Bryant Lucas"; however, after enduring countless Darth Vader jokes, he has chosen to go by his middle name. Born and raised in the United States, Bryant is currently living with his lovely wife in the country side of Wiltshire County, UK. Bryant does suffer from a mild case of dyslexia; misspellings and homonyms are to be expected on occasion.