1. What Happens To Religion?

Marvel ComicsThere's a whole lot of unexplainable guff in superhero comics. We hope we've made that clear by now. There's one particular point that we feel exists above all others, however, and that's the fact that religion still exists in both the Marvel and DC Universes. We're not getting all Reddit fedora on you or anything, we're just saying that in these fictional universes, there are characters who still ascribe to real life faiths like Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, and the like. Which makes absolutely zero sense in the face of overwhelming evidence that suggests those believes are a load of hogwash - that evidence being
all the literal gods flying around. Yes, this is a world where all of the miracles Jesus supposedly performed pale in comparison to the things Superman does on his off days, and where we actually know that the universe was created not by a giant dude with a beard who lives in the clouds but a couple of guys who are the same colours as their respective publishers (as seen in DC vs Marvel). Or, maybe it's The Spectre? No, wait, Scarlet Witch technically remade reality...although it was the Celestials who were responsible for all life. But Wonder Woman is a direct descendant of the Greek gods, so they must be real? We're really confused. What we're most confused by is not why people believe in religion, still, but why they choose the old fuddy duddy faiths when they've got so many better ones to choose from! We know Zeus and pals actually existed, so if you pray to them you're more likely to get an answer. The fact that it's some goofy space giants who put us here wipes away any Catholic guilt you may feel, so who knows what Daredevil's got to mope about any more. We at least deserve a Church Of The Latter Day Batman in a DC Comic at some point! And yet, it's never been addressed.